Friday, February 13, 2009

Daddy Daughter Dance

Every February Auburn has a Daddy Daughter Dance. And the kids LOVE it... Madeline has been planning her big night out with Daddy since Christmas. She picked out
her dress... and wanted a hot pink sash! She had to have a purse which
we went shopping to fill with all the things a little girls MUST have when going
to a dance. She wanted to get dressed and ready when she first woke up this morning... I held her off until 3:00 when we had to start with her hair, nails, and a little make-up. She wanted to go to the Japanese Steak House before hand, then go to the dance. She was so excited talking about the music and how she WAS A REAL PRINCESS tonight. Here are some of the pictures we took before she left. Ben will take more at the dance.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Can we play baby?

Madeline and Nathan came and asked me... "Mommy can we play baby with Camille?"
I was curious how this game was played.  They wanted to stroll Camille in Maddie's doll stroller.  I did not know if Camille would like "playing"... but she did!  Camille laughed and loved being pushed in the little stroller.  Today I asked Madeline to "play baby" with Camille so I could get dinner cooked.  And I have NO IDEA why the kids are wearing bathing suits... they came downstairs with them on asking if we could go to the neighborhood pool.  It was below freezing that day!

Just like Daddy...

This weekend I told Nathan... "go get ready to go bye bye."
After a few moments I went looking for him... and this is what I found!  Nathan said "I'm gonna dress just like Daddy!"  
I don't remember seeing Ben go anywhere dressed like this... but Nathan does.

Camille crawling...

Camille has finally learned to crawl!  As much as I wanted to watch her explore our home I had forgotten how much little ones get in to.  Over the past few days I have been moving everything that is low... Camille has gotten so quick.  It is so fun to watch her.  Today she even took a couple little steps... I bet she will be walking soon!

Madeline and Nathan enjoying the warmer weather...

Madeline and Nathan enjoying a pretty day at the park.   Now that Camille is a little bigger and the weather is warmer going to do family activities is easier and more fun.

Camille is on the move...

Camille is 9 months old now and decided she is ready to attempt keeping up with Madeline and Nathan.  She went from barely scooting around to crawling and pulling up on everything in a matter of days.  Now she is into everything and can get anywhere she wants to go.  She finds it hilarious to bother Nathan when he is playing with his batman castle... I've warned him for months... once Camille gets mobile it is going to be payback time!